Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Today's thoughts and devotions{

I've had a hard time deciding what to write here today. My biggest problem is with a question of faith. Don't worry, my faith in God is right where it should be. No my problem is a lack off faith latrly in others who are supposed to be confirmed in Christ Jesus and yet do not appear to follow His wonderful example. In fact I see them doing things I know that God gas commanded us all not to. And I see them doing these things in our very church we attend and it is really hard to decide what I should do about it. These are all people I have cosidered frirnds. Some of them don't even know that they are doing wrong because they are to wrapped up in ;etting everyone know how wonderful they are to see what their words and actions are lacking. Others do see, but they have been in church there so long that they are used to everyone automatically doing as they tell them and if they don't then they have to prove their power for "the good of the church."
But if I make a fuss abouy any of this isn't that me judging them? Didn't Jesus warn us that only the Father can pass judgement? And I am definately not wven close enough to perfect to start the stones flying. Besides, as I said, these are people I have considered friends and I would never want to hurt them.
And so, after a lot of thought and fighting with the fact that entering my own church right now is an action that just thinking about makes me physically sick I told my wife that she would have to xover for me in the discussion group we lead and told her and a couple of closr friends that attend that I would be absent for awhile so that I would not make things worse.
And so I settled down and started praying and asking God to show mr if I was doing what he wanted by handling things this way.
Now all that keeps running trough my heart is an okd admonition that if you wan't a better pastor or a better church then pray for the ones you have. And I keep running into Paul's teachings that if we know that our church or it's members are erring and we turn our back then we are as guilty as they are sunce as God's wittnesses we have a responsibility to Christians in trouble every bit as much as non-Christuans. And so, like it or not it seems that God has answered my question. I can't judge and rhey may refuse to lisren to me, but I have an obligation to them and the Lord to attend and let them see my example and pray that God will lead us all to follow closer to him.

And speaking of prayers answered by the Father I think this devotion will fit in well for today. I pray that ot is what womeone can use, I know I can.

"I prayed tp the Lord and he answered me;
He freed me from all my fears."
Psalm 34:4
I really don't think that I am qualified to add much to the beautiful words of the Psalmist. But I do so thank God that he does this for all of us. I pray contantly to my God in words and actions. Wgen Jesus said to make our lives into a prayer he meant just that. And when someone admonishes me to pray for those in my church I take it ti mean more than to spend my time on my knees. Oh, I do talk to my Father about these things bit if I want my prayers answered then He ezpects me to more. Because He wants me to use my actions to set an example of what following Jesus really is. I may not go in and rause a fuss, but I can still let them know by my own acyions and words. So again I thank my God for hearing and answering me. I may not like facing people I care for to let them know this message from God, but it's what he wants, so I must follow his will. May we all do as Christ would have us; in His blessed name,
Please notice that there are new links to pages for Becky and Joe and welcome them to our site. Keep watching as Emmy's and Mollies pages go up probably tomorrow. If you would like to join us hear at GOLGATHA MINISTRY please email me at Just remember before we talk that this site is strictly a Christian ministry. All are welcome here but to have your own blog page you must put on only content that is Christian and only then if it comes from His Holy Bible.
In the meantime I will continue to pray to our merciful Father to guide and shelter all of his children;

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